
Application for Honourary Doctorate Degree

The Honourary Doctorate Degree is an award issued by Chartered Institute of Digital Economy (CIDE) an institution accredited by the International Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (QAHE).

The Honourary Doctorate Degree award objectives are to acknowledge and appreciate outstanding individuals who have made significant contributions to their community, at both national and international level, and to a specialized field of knowledge and competency. It is also known by the Latin phrases honoris causa (“for the sake of the honor”) or ad honorem (“to the honor”). Many academic institutions that award honorary degrees refer to their recipients as “doctor.” Whether the title is used before or after their name, people typically add honoris causa or h.c. in parenthesis after the degree title. This indicates to others that the title is an honorary one, with all the benefits that entails.

A person who has already been awarded a PhD within a certain academic area may not be awarded an honorary doctorate in the same area. It is, however, quite possible to appoint a Doctor of Philosophy, for example, to an honorary Doctor of Education and vice versa. The nomination and approval process for honorary degrees is confidential, and all involved in the process must respect this requirement.

To be considered, a candidate must have sufficient stature and recognition to ensure that the awarding of an honorary degree enhances the reputation of Chartered Institute of Digital Economy. Recipients of Honorary Doctorate Degrees do not earn the degree through academic achievements; rather they receive these awards based on generous and altruistic actions or lifetime accomplishments that benefit a community, nation, or humanity in general.


Origin and History

Schools grant honorary doctorates to honor the recipient, while also benefiting by association.

In most countries, a doctorate is the highest level of recognition. An honorary doctorate can be given for a variety of reasons decided upon by the university. The first instance of an honorary degree on record was issued by Oxford University to Lionel Woodward in the 1470s. This practice became much more common, however, in the 1600s when royalty visited universities in England.

An academic institution usually awards this degree at a regular graduation ceremony and recipients traditionally give an accompanying speech. Typically, several people are nominated for the degree and the senate of the academic institution panel decides who deserves it most. In some places, however, an honorary doctorate can be applied for. This is common in the UK, Australia, and Ireland, though it frequently requires an established relationship with the academic institution. The recipient often has a noteworthy industrial record.


Doctorate Degree Qualification through Work Experience & Prior Learning

APEL also known as Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning for Award of Academic Qualifications. The award is presented to individual learners through the evaluation and assessment of prior experiential learning towards fully accredited programs offered by the higher education providers.

APEL programme is designed for:

• Promoting lifelong learning through the recognition of prior experiential learning in the workplace, including formal, informal and non-formal education and training;
• Ensuring greater equality of access, recognition, opportunity and practice in career progression;
• Widening and deepening access to programs of study through the award of the academic qualifications based on the recognition of prior experiential learning.

The Benefits of APEL:

Facilitates access to higher education for ‘non-traditional’ students, or known as working adults with prior experience:

• Acknowledges and validates prior learning
• Accelerates the time to earn a qualification
• Learning as a lifelong process


Stages of Assessment

Field & Validation Visit;
Challenge Test;

The institute will appoint facilitator for each student to guide them throughout the entire assessment.


Programme offered

Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA)
Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA) with specialisation in Digital Economy

Application is open for individual 35 years and above and please submit the following

Academic certificates.


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